MathPro for HKAT Math Skills Enhancement Practice Combo MAX Ed.


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MathPro for HKAT Math Skills Enhancement Practice Combo Max Edition (P5-6,2 sets)

• Each set contains: 1 exercise book of MathPro for HKAT Math Skills Enhancement Practice, plus 6 sets of Mock Papers.

• MathPro for HKAT Math Skills Enhancement Practice:

✦ Each book includes revisions, exercises and Pre-S1 tests.

Revisions: Various types of problem-solving strategies are introduced through practical examples, and supporting videos are provided via QR codes.

Exercises: Typical examples are used to illustrate how to tackle problems with step-by-step inquiring clues.

✦ Each revision and exercise consists of 3 parts: Pre-S1 Practice, Pre-S1 MC Questions and Pre-S1 Long Questions.

Pre-S1 tests as formative assessments to monitor student learning.

Answers with detailed solutions are provided in a separate booklet.

6 sets of Mock Papers follow the question design of latest exam papers to better prepare students for the HKAT.



Innovative Net Learning Limited


P5, P6



